I haven't been very good at posting lately. With a new part time job at an assisted living center, I have been adjusting to my new schedule. I love my new job. Of course I have lots of spare time though, and what do I do in my spare time?
Watch the Olympics of course! Have you seen those crazy snowboarders! And of course I need to hide away in my sewing room once in a while.
The latest project coming out of the sewing room is a new diaper cover. My mother in law had an old shirt where the colors were bleeding into one another but the fabric was still wonderful. My first thought was "diaper fabric!".
A snip here and a stitch there and James has a new diaper cover. Which is a good thing because his cheap covers that I originally bought him are wearing out and leaking. Four out of five have been sent to my scrap pile. So one diaper at a time to rejuvenate his stash.
Just a quick little update for you. For now just Live and Love
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