Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coloring Easter Eggs and a Stripey Tie

Easter was a lot of fun, it was the last weekend before Mr. Sir left for Basic Training. He left yesterday and should be arriving in Texas sometime this evening. So we did lots of man-stuff. Grilled brats, drank beer, (well, he did... I don't like beer) played football, and watched Thor.

James enjoying the spring time.

Also, this weekend was a prime time to color eggs with the in-law's. Instead of getting white eggs from the store, they get brown eggs and I think coloring brown eggs is prettier than the white ones. The tones are a more neutral color. I also dug out a crayon to make pretty patterns, and my sister-in-law dug out a rubber band for stripes. 


On Easter we had a goodie hunt where my Mother-in-law played Easter Bunny and then we went over to Granny's (Grandmother-in-law) House where the kids had an egg hunt. James had fun picking up the eggs and toddling around of course sporting his stripey-tie. I can't believe it still fits him! He got this when he was born.

Then, yesterday after dropping Mr. Sir off, James and I went to the Natural Food Coop where I buy my honey and spices to pick up his new sippy cup lids. Before he was born I scored a deal at a thrift store, getting 4 Lifefactory glass baby bottles for $8 total, still in the packaging. New, these bottles would have been about $60. I love these bottles, they don't break, they are easy to grip, they are glass so I know they are clean, I can sterilize them easily. We have 2-8 oz. bottles and 2-4 oz. bottles which are the perfect sizes. So I spent $7 and bought sippy lids so that James can use them longer. They work much better on the smaller bottles,  Little James could not get the sippy to his mouth with the big bottle. But this purchase made me a happy momma. I am also happy that he figured the sippy out with no problem and it is so cute to watch him toddling around with his sippy cup.

 Live and Love... until next time.

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