Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fitted Diapers, with snaps

Here I go, upcycling again.

My snappi's no longer fit James well, they take quite a bit of stretching. I suppose with 17 months of daily use, 5-10 diapers a day they were well worth the money. Time to tuck them away for future babies.

In the meantime though, I needed to find a better, easier way to diaper James. With Mr. Sir gone off to training, cloth diapering has been put on the backburner a bit. Diapering, washing, drying and dealing with rash and ammonia isn't what I really want to deal with. Actually, I still WANT to deal with it, for the environment and the savings. It is just time consuming.

So, for my sanity I am finding other ways. This latest grand idea is to take the thinning prefolds, add a center absorbant strip that isn't sewn to the diaper, that way it has more surface area to help dry it. I bought a plastic snap pliers with some snaps to play with. I also use elastic on the waist, and legs to keep the messes in and for a slimmer fit. So far I have maybe 6 of these fitted diapers. Enough for one full day at home before I wash, dry, and repeat.

I am also upcycling old flannel cloth that I have lying around for the inserts, the flannel is from some shirts, sheets, and old projects. The inserts are also from some really thin diapers that only work as stuffers. I am trying to use up some odd thread colors that I have too, that is why the thread does not math.

Being human, I will admit that I do cheat. We use a disposable overnight because he sleeps better when he doesn't wake up with the urine next to his skin. Which makes momma sleep better, which in turn makes everyone happier. I also use a disposable in the mornings when he is sure to poop. Oh, the ease.

I have been sewing one at a time for a couple of months now. I intend to make a bunch more because I like them that much.

Oh, and the snaps. Amazing. He can pull them off but not as easy as velcro. They are easy to install too. I can add more snaps to them to create girth as he grows into the diaper. I only spaced out the snaps for girth on a few of the diapers because I am still playing around with the sizing.

But here you go, enjoy!

Yes, that is Garfield you see peeking at you from the open one.

Live and Love

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