Saturday, September 24, 2011

Halloween Costume Swap

Did you know that about 6,250 tons (or 12,500,000 pounds) of Halloween costume landfill garbage could be avoided if kids only swapped their Halloween costumes instead of buying new ones. I know that it is a little early to thinking Halloween (or Christmas for that matter, but some department stores don't agree). But I came across this statistic in my RealSimple magazine and it hit me like a stone. 

I don't have kids at the moment or any Halloween costumes but I found this extremely interesting. Especially because one day a year can create this much GARBAGE. 

Sure, growing up I had Halloween costumes but I also remember making use of what I had. For example, I used my grandfathers plaid bowler hat and my dads coat; add a magnifying glass and I was Sherlock Holmes and another year I wore my pink power ranger onsie pajamas and was the Pink Power Ranger. You don't need some fancy plastic mask to have a great costume but in the case that having the plastic mask is something that you require, you can go to this website National Costume Swap Day   on October 8th and find out more about swapping costumes this year if you want something new. You can also find out how to start your own swap in your neighborhood. 

Money is tight everywhere these days, and the world is full of trash. So find a way to avoid both of them in an act as simple as a swap.

Live and Love

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